Monday, May 9, 2011

Flirting with Hormones

Coffee & I have symbiotic relationship. Well, maybe a codependent relationship? It got to a point where I wasn’t even sure if coffee’s love affected me. Ohhh how I was wrong. Coffee’s strength is undeniable. We’ve been in a seriously stable and committed relationship since 2006. 

We rarely have (coffee) dates past 4pm anymore. When one must clock in at 7am, one realizes the importance of winding down…and coffee is like first love-It give you hot flashes, it makes your heart pump, and your brain race. 

A year ago I was working at a geriatric hospital/nursing home that consistently had Melatonin: 3mg 30minutes HS on the MAR. That’s medical language for “give melatonin 30 minutes before bed.” 

Melatonin, a natural hormone in the body, became a flirtation of mine. I dated coffee in the morning and relaxed with either wine in the evening or slept with melatonin at night. Some may call this a dangerous relationship…I loved them all for different reasons. They naturally made me feel good in different ways.

I was studying for an adult weight management certification course all day Sunday. I relied on coffee to help me out. As a read through the evidential support of weight loss products it stated that hydroxycut contains 600mg of caffeine, the equivalent of 6 cups of coffee. 

I had 2 cups of coffee in the morning & 1 cup at 6p-unusual for me but I was being needy. While setting my alarm for 5:15am, I realized how dangerous my relationship had gotten. My body was ready for bed but my brain was racing past 11p. I wanted to reach for my melatonin but remembered I had exhausted my supply about a week ago. Eventually, I coped with Melatonin dumping me and fell asleep.

I think I’ll try to keep my morning fling for coffee just that-in the morning and consider a comforting and soothing date with wine in the evening, buy back my melatonin love for night, and keep hydroxycut on my Fatal-non-natural-non-Attraction list.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Royal Appetite

It has been all bridal in my life. 

I attended two bridal showers last Saturday, received messages from my sister about wedding planning!, and of course celebrated the Royal wedding. 
I suspect these brides are trying to fatten up their guests with delish foods to appear smaller in comparison…because let me tell you, I certainly capitalized on the dessert trays. 

Bridal Shower one was at a fantastic restaurant that served pecan encrusted chicken atop salads. The maid of honor, the lovely Amelia, baked up a whole table of bliss. Hello Macaroons!
I was quite full on my way to bridal shower number two which was held at an olive oil store. The store owner greeted me with a heavy handed pour of pinot noir and an assortment of olive oil taste testings. 

Back in St. Louis, Brandi and I baked apple scones to celebrate the royals. At 3am we woke, put on our Friday morning 3am finest (pearls and hats), and attended a tea fit for a queen at the London Tea Room/English Living store. cake.champagne? 

Turns out 2 TV news stations, the post dispatch, metromix, and a radio stations also showed up at 4am. Not the best time for a close up but when having Tea with the queen you politely oblige to an interview: when dining with the do as the queen makes you.

Interviewer: Why did you decide to get up at 4am to come here and watch the royal wedding?
Me: Well, I heard Harry was going to be here…and I mean, he’s still on the market.

 ...If I plan on being the second most photographed girl in the world next to Kate, I suppose I should watch the amount of bridal showers I attend.