Why is it that when people are asked to change they have these slight internal freak out moments?
I’m not talking catastrophic change like move to England for a semester change…cause I’ve done that and loved it. Or embark on a scary thing they call the Saint Louis Dietetic Internship, done that. Survived it. Barely.
I’m talking about the silly change.

Humans are such animals disguised in dress, except if you eat a human you’re called something other than carnivore. We are programmed to settle. Make homes. And then we grow attachments to our homes. Even homes that are disguised as desks at work, which unfortunately become home (away from home). Just because I stuck a giant bubble lettered “MEG” on my desk bulletin board back in May ’09 does not a home make.
..And so I took the plunge to move from my hot spot GA desk to the desk next door with a wall divider and spacious drawers! A real sign that I was moving up and out into the world. I re-posted my “MEG” sign on my new bulletin board, flipped open my laptop and attempted to get Zotero reference manager working for my thesis. One point five hours later and I realized I wasn’t moving up in the world. I was just in my own world. My wall divider divided me so much that it was 8p until I gave up on Zotero and realized the whole office had left. And not just left but left when normal office people leave. I think that’s around 5p?
So around my corner (of the divider) is that thing people refer to as the “real world.” Maybe if I got my reference manager working I would have a better idea of how to refer to the questions “what are you going to do with your masters?”
“duh, be the master of something..!!?”
Sweet cube