Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Baking

Tis the season of scones and spice and everything sugar.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Whole Worldly Market

So I stopped in Whole Foods Market and then jumped into Cost Plus World Market when my sister sent me a text message.
Does anyone say Market after Whole Foods anymore?
Does anyone use the words Cost Plus before World Market?
Does anyone say message after text..?
Am I living in ‘97?

The contents of said text message were anything but ordinary but neither is my sister. Instead of “Hey! Wanna meet at LA Fitness for a workout tonight?” It read “OMG! You need to go to Richard Simmons work out class!”
I chose not to respond.

Let me recall what I know of Richard.
Isn’t he like 97?

Later that night we had the Murph Family Dinner-a traditional Wednesday night event that’s been occurring since as long as I’ve been gone. While living in STL, my family, the significant others and my dog have been partaking in a Whole lot of good Food sans my presence.

In the past couple months I’ve had the pleasure of participating in this glorious event.
Let me tell you, having the ability to persuade slash officiate a beer chugging contest between my brother and brother-in-law after a lovely home cooked meal played a part in my decision to move home..
Brian took all. 5.6 seconds. No spillage disqualifications. Almost disgusting. Almost.
Ahhh, the skill set learned while he lived away. In a fraternity house.

At Murph Family dinner, my sister explained the thought process behind the random text. She found this article. Everything made sense. And I realized that it was true. I HAD to visit R. Simmons. And befriend him using my powers of persuasions.
And I may need to leave the class wearing a new, branded tee from, I’m guessing, 1997. Easily.

So unless something changes in the next couple of weeks, I will only have approximately 3 more Murph Family Dinners to be the Beer Chugging Initiator as I have officially accepted a position that will take me to another part of the world. And not just World Market.

Instead of going to LA Fitness, I’ll be doing fitness with R. Simmons in LA.
I’m hoping this job will make me a bit more marketable. And as a plus, a bit more worldly as well.
And with worldly, comes a plethora of new whole foods to try!!..meaning, it is necessary that R. Simmons and I become buds.